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Immediate changes as of June 19, 2017

¡¤         Dual citizens living in Canada who are convicted of treason, spying or terrorism offences will face the Canadian justice system, like other Canadian citizens who break the law. Previously, the government retained the right to revoke such individuals¡¯ citizenship.

¡¤         Applicants who might need to work or live outside of Canada for work or personal reasons are no longer required to present a formal intention to continue to living in Canada once granted citizenship.

¡¤         Minors (aged under 18 years) can now apply for citizenship without a Canadian parent, as the age requirement for citizenship has been removed.

¡¤         Individuals serving a conditional sentence will not be granted citizenship or be able to count this time towards meeting the physical presence requirements for citizenship.

¡¤         Statelessness is now considered a stand-alone ground for a discretionary grant of citizenship.

¡¤         It is now a requirement to take into consideration reasonable measures to accommodate the needs of a disabled person applying for citizenship.

¡¤         All applicants are required to remain eligible throughout the process, from the moment they apply, up to and including the moment they take the Oath of Citizenship.

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Expected changes to take effect in Fall/Autumn 2017

¡¤         Applicants must be physically present in Canada for three out of five years (1,095 days), rather than the previous four out of six years, before applying for citizenship.

¡¤         In alignment to the new physical presence requirement, applicants must file Canadian income taxes, if required to do so under the Income Tax Act, for three out of five years, rather than previous four out of six years.

¡¤         Applicants no longer have to be physically present in Canada for 183 days in four out of six years before applying when considering residency years preceding a citizenship application.

¡¤         Time spent in Canada as a temporary resident, such as on a work or study permit or as a protected person, prior to becoming a permanent resident can now count a portion of this time towards the physical presence requirement for citizenship, up to a maximum credit of 365 days where each day counts as 0.5 days.

¡¤         Applicants between 18 and 54 years — rather than the previous 14 and 64 years — must meet the language and knowledge requirements for citizenship.


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540 Á¤¸¸¼® ¹Ì±¹º¯È£»çÀÇ Ä«µå ´º½º (2024.04.15) Á¤¸¸¼® ¹Ì±¹º¯È£»ç 2024-04-15 850
539 Á¤¸¸¼® ¹Ì±¹º¯È£»çÀÇ Ä«µå ´º½º (2024.02.26) Á¤¸¸¼® ¹Ì±¹º¯È£»ç 2024-02-26 985
538 Á¤¸¸¼® ¹Ì±¹º¯È£»çÀÇ Ä«µå ´º½º (2024.02.19) Á¤¸¸¼® ¹Ì±¹º¯È£»ç 2024-02-19 963
537 Á¤¸¸¼® ¹Ì±¹º¯È£»çÀÇ Ä«µå ´º½º (2024.02.13) Á¤¸¸¼® ¹Ì±¹º¯È£»ç 2024-02-13 828
536 [¹Ì±¹ 2024.03] °¡Á·ÃÊû & Ãë¾÷À̹ΠVisa Bulletin ÇöȲ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2024-02-13 328
535 Á¤¸¸¼® ¹Ì±¹º¯È£»çÀÇ Ä«µå ´º½º (2024.02.05) Á¤¸¸¼® ¹Ì±¹º¯È£»ç 2024-02-05 280
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532 2023 Ãß°è ÇØ¿Ü À¯ÇÐ À̹Π¹Ú¶÷ȸ - ²ÞÀÌ Çö½ÇÀÌ µÇ´Â ´ë¾ç °ü¸®ÀÚ 2023-10-13 904
531 [¹Ì±¹ 2023.10] °¡Á·ÃÊû & Ãë¾÷À̹ΠVisa Bulletin ÇöȲ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2023-09-18 374
530 [¹Ì±¹ 2023.09] °¡Á·ÃÊû & Ãë¾÷À̹ΠVisa Bulletin ÇöȲ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2023-08-10 494
529 ij³ª´Ù Äùº¤ÅõÀÚÀ̹ΠNew Program ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2023-06-30 1063
528 [¹Ì±¹ 2023.07] °¡Á·ÃÊû & Ãë¾÷À̹ΠVisa Bulletin ÇöȲ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2023-06-12 492
527 [¹Ì±¹ 2023.06] °¡Á·ÃÊû & Ãë¾÷À̹ΠVisa Bulletin ÇöȲ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2023-05-25 392
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524 [¹Ú¶÷ȸ Èıâ] 2023³â Ãá°è ÇØ¿Ü À¯ÇÐ/À̹Π¹Ú¶÷ȸ ¼ºÈ²¸® ¸¶°¨ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2023-03-08 722
523 [¹Ì±¹ 2023.03] °¡Á·ÃÊû & Ãë¾÷À̹ΠVisa Bulletin ÇöȲ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2023-02-17 560
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519 [¹Ú¶÷ȸ Èıâ] 2022³â Ãß°è ÇØ¿Ü À¯ÇÐ/À̹Π¹Ú¶÷ȸ ¼ºÈ²¸® ¸¶°¨ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2022-10-25 888
518 [¹Ì±¹ 2022.11] °¡Á·ÃÊû & Ãë¾÷À̹ΠVisa Bulletin ÇöȲ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2022-10-17 779
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515 [¹Ì±¹ 2022.09] °¡Á·ÃÊû & Ãë¾÷À̹ΠVisa Bulletin ÇöȲ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2022-08-16 900
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